Eat Me: Six reasons to include soya bean in your diet

 Soya bean is a type of legume native to eastern Asia; it is one of the most widely consumed foods in the world.
The beans are multi-useful for human health, and they are quite easy to cultivate.
Below are some health benefits of soya bean
Reduces Type 2 diabetes risk
Soya bean helps in the prevention and management of Type 2 diabetes, primarily because it has the ability to increase insulin receptors in the body, thereby helping to manage the disease effectively or prevent it from occurring in the first place.
Aids digestion
The fibre content naturally present in soya bean helps to bulks up your stool, making it move through your digestive system smoothly. Fibre also stimulates peristaltic motion, which is the contraction of the smooth muscles that pushes food through your system.
Fibre is vital to our bodies because constipation can be a very serious condition that can lead to more serious conditions, including colorectal cancer.
Lowers risk of breast cancer
The levels of antioxidants in soya bean makes it good for preventing the onset of various cancers. Soya contains phytoestrogens, a chemical found in plant foods.
Menopause relief
During menopause, the body’s natural production of oestrogen drops significantly and symptoms may ensue.
Soya bean is a very good source of isoflavones, which are essential components of the female reproductive system.
Isoflavones are able to bind to oestrogen receptor cells, so the body doesn’t feel as though it is going through such a dramatic decrease. This can ease many of the symptoms of menopause, such as mood swings, hot flashes, and hunger pains.
Lowers cholesterol level
Experimental studies have shown that soya protein isolates tend to lower cholesterol levels while protein from animal sources can raise cholesterol levels.
Soya bean also contains compounds called phytosterols. These plant compounds are structurally similar to cholesterol and steroid hormones. They function to inhibit the absorption of cholesterol by blocking absorption sites.
The soya bean has been transformed into a number of popular soya based foods including: Miso – a fermented soya bean paste that is used as a flavouring, popular in Asian cuisine. It is a good source of many minerals.
Tempeh – an Indonesian speciality typically made by cooking and dehulling soya beans and forming a textured, solid ‘cake’. It is a very good source of protein, B vitamins and minerals.
Tofu – (also known as bean curd) is made from soya milk by coagulating the soya proteins with calcium or magnesium salts. It is an excellent source of iron and calcium and a very good source of protein.x

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